CGA has collaborated successfully with countless companies, whether small or large. We have the necessary experience to provide unique knowledge in international and local law, foreign trade, internationalization, commercialization, tax and administrative litigation, among others.
We are a boutique law firm that offers more than just customs or mercantile legal advice. We specialize in helping businessmen and entrepreneurs grow their business.
Some of the industries in which we have contributed to create successful enterprises are:
-International commerce
We provide the legal support that enables companies to be profitable.
We take care of international negotiations for companies drafting and signing contracts in other countries.
We aid entrepreneurs in getting their brand to new markets.
We provide assistance regarding the necessary legal instruments for exports to the United States and other regions, as well as creating strategies and managing the required processes.
We help establish foreign brands in the mexican market.
We develop the legal infrastructure for foreign companies to start operating in the local market.
Systems development for managing the business’ operation, structure and legal representation in Mexico.
We help companies navigate through new regulations to avoid penalties.
We assist businesses face legal mechanisms for importing and exporting alcoholic beverages.
We make use of our alliances to help technology companies grow.
The best way to enter a new market is the hand of a local lawyer , an expert who knows the laws, the culture and the operation of the economy of the country in which you want to step.
Carrasco Group & Asociados is a multidisciplinary boutique firm, specializing in consulting and consulting